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Figgy O'Connell

Currently reading

See You in the Cosmos
Jack Cheng
Exploring Space: From Galileo to the Mars Rover and Beyond
Stephen Biesty, Martin Jenkins
The Terranauts: A Novel
T.C. Boyle
A Quiet Kind of Thunder
Sara Barnard
Gumnut Babies
May Gibbs
Progress: 42/264 pages
Highly Illogical Behaviour
John Corey Whaley
Progress: 82/249 pages
Alastair Reynolds
Progress: 75/425 pages
See What I Have Done
Sarah Schmidt
The Dog, Ray
Linda Coggin
Forgetting Foster
Dianne Touchell

Reading progress update: I've read 20 out of 249 pages.

Highly Illogical Behaviour - John Corey Whaley

"I always wanted to see Poe's grave."

"Ridiculous," she said. "I have never understood this universal fascination with gravesites. It's morbid and just... sad."

"I go to my granddad's grave sometimes. It's nice."


"Doesn't matter to me," he said. "I like what I like, you like what you like."

"What do you do there? Just look at it and be sad?"

"No. Usually I just pray or talk to my granddad like he's still here. It honestly makes me happier than it does sad."

"People are strange, aren't they?"
"Is that why you're so dead on fixing us all?" Clark asked.