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Figgy O'Connell

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See You in the Cosmos
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Exploring Space: From Galileo to the Mars Rover and Beyond
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The Terranauts: A Novel
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A Quiet Kind of Thunder
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Gumnut Babies
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Highly Illogical Behaviour
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Alastair Reynolds
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See What I Have Done
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The Dog, Ray
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Forgetting Foster
Dianne Touchell

Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined

Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined - Stephenie Meyer BR with Inge, Aly, and anyone else who wants to join!

Starting tomorrow, the 17th of October!

Reading the author's note at the start, I already disagree...

Her reason for not swapping Charlie and Renee's genders (but swapping EVERYONE ELSE'S) is that Beau/Bella was born in 1987, a time when fathers were rarely awarded sole custody of kids, let alone babies.

I was born in 1987. My father had sole custody of me from when I was a toddler to when I was twelve. If Meyer wanted to, there are plenty of ways she could have explained why male Renee was awarded custody/raised Beau.

She also then goes on to say that Charlie isn't vindictive... So surely, female Charlie could have allowed male Renee to raise Beau, and the whole "judge ruling in the favour if the father" debate would be moot.

Way to logic.


Before reading

I'm roping Inge and Aly into a BR for this (Aly's not aware of this, yet), anyone else want to join in... For shits 'n' giggles?

I'll be interested to see if everyone is gender swapped...

Does... Beau go and live with his mother (Charlise?), after dad (Ryan?) ran off to get married and follow his new wife (Felicia?), who is a baseball pro?

Does... Edythe (ffs, seriously?) live with Carlie and Elliot Cullen, and their other "kids", Jessica and Mark?

Do they have a baby boy, whom they name Ryiot Carlise? (Because Ryan + Elliot and Carlie + Charlise.)

Tell me that doesn't make you morbidly curious!

(Copied from a comment I made on Anne's review, because that shit took too much time to make it up with different names again. Probably much the same as Meyer's thoughts on this "reimagining".)

ETA - Hmmm, the whole "vampire pregnancy" thing can't unfold the same way in this version... So Meyer might have to actually write some NEW MATERIAL if they decide to "reimagine" later books.